






有时紧急情况会激发出人们最好的一面. 无论是自然灾害, 恐怖主义行为或全球性流行病, many people band together for the greater good in such times of uncertainty. 不幸的是, not everyone feels compelled toward acts of goodwill. One thing that does seem certain during an emergency is that some ill-intended people will take advantage of the confusion and chaos to cheat others out of their financial resources.

紧急情况, whether they result from personal difficulties or a public health crisis, 会让你特别容易受到诈骗和欺诈的伤害吗. It's crucial to be aware of the more common types of scams so you can protect yourself, 你的家人和你的钱.


网络钓鱼诈骗 are one of the most common forms of scams, and they tend to be more prevalent during times of crisis. These scams occur when criminals trick their targets into exposing personal information, 比如银行账户和信用卡号, 网站密码或社会安全号码.


一旦数据窃贼得到了你的信息, 它们很容易渗透到你生活的其他方面, including your email and social media accounts and access to your money. If they’ve obtained your Social Security number, you’re also at 身份被盗的风险.

A phishing email may appear to be legitimate and could feature "official" logos such as those of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 美国国税局(IRS), the Social Security Administration (SSA) or other major government agencies.

Here are some red flags to be aware of to help you look out for phishing scams:

  • 你收到一封提供免费商品或服务的电子邮件.
  • You receive an email containing receipts or invoices you know you didn't pay.
  • You're getting a sudden influx of suspicious activity report emails about private accounts.
  • 你会收到电子邮件,要求你核实个人信息.

大多数网络钓鱼邮件都带有紧急语气, so pay close attention and pause to carefully review anything that seems pushy or demanding.

If you receive a phishing email, you can report it to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). 这个机构孜孜不倦地追踪和抓捕骗子. 报告可以直接在 联邦贸易委员会网站. 你也可以向 华盛顿州总检察长办公室.


虚假网站经常被用来收集信息. The page may be a dead ringer for your online banking platform or look like the site for a retail store where you regularly shop, but when you enter your sign in credentials or payment information, 你刚刚交出了你账户的钥匙.


  • Never click on a link from an email you don't recognize or trust.
  • Hover your cursor over emailed links to verify the URL matches.
  • Look for spelling errors and minor differences from what you’d expect in the URL.
  • Make purchases only from sites and companies you already know or have verified.

If you discover a fake website, report it to the FTC immediately. The sooner these websites are exposed, the sooner they can be taken down.

A good rule of thumb regarding any type of scam is to trust your instincts. 如果某件事看起来不对劲,那它很可能就是错的.


如果你正在经历收入损失, 或任何其他财务困难, WSECU致力于帮助您获得所需的支持.




另一种诈骗手法是自动电话. These phone calls are automatically generated and typically include a recorded message warning you to return the call or face the threat of fines or an arrest.

假国税局 and SSA phone calls have cost many Americans thousands of dollars. 因为针对纳税人的欺诈是如此普遍,所以 美国国税局提供诈骗警报 to keep consumers informed and the SSA publishes information on more general 政府骗子骗局.

你可能会收到有关正规博彩十大网站和安全的自动电话, 失业救济金, 安全漏洞, 甚至你的抵押贷款. These calls can sound threatening and urge you to contact the caller to verify your information. 不幸的是, some frightened people may call back and surrender their private information or financial records.

如果政府或你的贷款人需要沟通, they will contact you directly — either by the US postal service or by email, text or a phone call from a real person if you have opted to receive information that way.


短信诈骗相对较新. 比如电子邮件网络钓鱼诈骗 欺骗性短信 可能会鼓励你点击链接, which will then request that you provide personal information, 比如你的社保号或信用卡号.

如果你收到一个无法识别的号码发来的短信, delete it immediately or do an internet search to find out more about the source. 不点击任何链接或回应.

在危机时刻, 地方政府可能会发送短信通知, 但这些都是一般性的, informational announcements that will never ask you to divulge private information.


Having a good awareness of the scams that tend to increase during times of crisis is your first line of defense. Here are a few other tips you can use to help you avoid scams:

  • 警惕与慈善有关的骗局. Make sure that the charity you are considering is legitimate before donating.
  • Get information about public health directly from trusted sources, 比如疾控中心, the World Health Organization and other local and national authorities.
  • Watch out for medical charlatans and health treatments and cures that are sold online during public health emergencies. 他们可能不会说到做到.
  • 留意 欺诈性失业索赔 以你的名义存档.
  • Make your accounts stronger by adding a secret code word and sign up for fraud alerts.


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